Saturday, September 22, 2012

Archimedean Eclipse in my Sketchbook

An Archimedean Lunar Eclipse phenomena was observed (within my sketchbook), surrounding the atmosphere of Torisia on September 5th, 2012.

The same event was detected atmospherically, via Magnyforium Scope.

Archimedea&Torisia detail

For a different, more loose interpretation of the Archimedean eclipse phenomena, see 2m:47spicdoc


Friday, September 21, 2012

Stereo Torisia

Stereo Torisia

This is a (quite imperfect) stereoscopic/ stereographic drawing I created by hand, featuring Torisia the paper planet. It was made using watercolor, walnut ink and a number of resin-like things: polyurethane, absorvent ground and a two part epoxy. One can never appreciate these textures fully  just from images..

Torisia feel

The stereo pair is intended to be viewed using a 7 inch stereoscopic lense. It works quite alright for this purpose, but in order to share the effect more widely I converted it to piku-piku viewing, below.
Here you can see all the imperfections, while most of the detail is gone. But in order to correct it I would have to put in yet another ton of hours, for something that I am actually fine with just keeping  as an experiment for now (perhaps this is just the fate of so many of my works anyway).
 I do like the "feel" of it though, and the little accidental "meteor showers" that occured with this particular interface are kind of cool.

All that work and I'm still only half pleased, as it sometimes goes. It's only because it is so hard to create, capture and share what one imagines. Common art problem. But there is always something to gain from exploring territories unknown to me; if nothing else the experience of having done so.
More importantly, while working on these more technical-type projects I usually end up spacing out and creating spontaneous things on the side, which many times turn out to be more succesful in the end. Such might be the case of the sketch featured in my next post: "Archimedean Eclipse in my Sketchbook".
A lesson well learned.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Stereographic projection around Torisia

Wulff construction

So speaking of sterescopic/stereographic images, I recently drew by compass and straightedge this spherical grid that is very similar to the Wulff net. The Wulff net is a stereographic projection used as a tool in things like crystallography, to plot a sphere into a 2 dimensional space.
I arrived at it looking for something in particular and would like to use it, amongst other things, as a tool to develop stereographic drawings.

On related news, I inserted a Wulffian field around the atmosphere of the planet Torisia, using of course my Magnyforium Scope.

This has allowed me to finally plot the precise coordinates to map the geography of this planet in stereoscopic views, and convert it into a full stereographic rendition. It's already hapenning, slowly but surely, in my planetary laboratory.

Stereo-wulff planet sketches AA12

Until then,
thanks for visiting!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Stereographic Drawing

"Anima Mundi" Stereographic drawing

I created this steresocopic (or stereographic) image by hand on March 19, 2010; using compass and straightedge, ink and watercolor on paper. It was created to be viewed using a pair of special stereoscopes, and I was super excited when I found it to work.

If you would like to learn the details as to how I created this drawing, check out this older post: stereo art! and to see how I displayed the final piece, and the concept behind the artwork itself check here.

I should clarify briefly here that this image has three alternative titles: "Outer Technology Reveals Inner Technologies" is the fully installed piece and display. The stereo drawing itself is called "Axis Anima Mundi Vessel" or "Columna Cerului" alternatively.

I have recently come back to this image to try and display it in some other, more publicly accesible way. I separated the image into the individual halfs of the stereo pair and alternated and cross faded these 2 pictures to create this video:

I hope you liked that. But this post is not about reviewing old work, but about expressing my excitement for this reencounter with stereoscopy. I am now in full research and production of new works that are also sterescopic and created by hand, but will hopefully reach new interesting and ambitious goals. I am looking forward to sharing these in due time. Thanks for visiting!


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Man Drawing Geometric Patterns on the Sand Using a Stick

Man Drawing Geometric Patterns on the Sand Using a Stick AA12

This is one of several mini drawings/paintings I've been making in the past week. This one was made in Walnut ink on canvas. It depicts a man tracing a cubeoctahedron (in the manner described on the title ;) Soon I will upload all of the mini paintings. I will have these for sale during monthly first friday Unblurred events on Penn Avenue (Pittsburgh PA). Unfortunately, I won't be able to be there myself.
But selling the paintings for me, will be my good buddy (who's real name I shouldn't say)
the art dealer:

Art Dealer AA12


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Torisian Structures

[ Scattered notes from "Torisian Craft and Way of Life" Compiled by Alberto J. Almarza April 2012, AA12]

I have finally come to see the greater principle of "harmony-alignment" (Huma Zuma) that Torisians so passionately speak about and praise. Until now, it was to me a hidden-in-plain-sight scenario: so omnipresent so as to become easily granted or entirely disregarded. It has now turned, as they would say, "clear as water". It is, however, as difficult to transmit as always.

Hexagonal Matrix

The question of wether animistic forces (God/s, deities, spirits, etc) or simple biochemical interactions and generalized principles are at work behind the phenomenon of the materialized Torisian Universe, is of little significance to Torisian thought. It is the pattern, structure, vitality and very existence of the phenomenon in itself which is worth "directing the nurturing attention and light of our consciousness." This grants a sense of sacredness to all aspects of Torisian life which they call "Alignment", or Huma Zuma. This is the closest Torisian equivalent to, yet very different from a religion.

I had originally misinterpreted "Humazuma" to be the name of a Deity, since they build structures and sacred sites on its name, and ascribe all kinds of phenomena to it. They also utilize a cultural depiction of HumaZuma in anthropomorphic form, which influenced my mistaken assumption.

[As I wrote in earlier notes: "..Humazuma's domain is that of... flowing water, clay, erosion, vessels, markings and patterns, and certain specific man-made interventions, such as “alignments of things”(in this vague yet accurate definition I unknowingly included architecture). "...also in its domain are odd objects such as sidewalk cracks, flower pots, clotheslines, holes, shadows, and dimensional portals".]

A more current interpretation would embrace all aspects of Torisian life, seeing HumaZuma more as a broad philosophy rather than a God figure. In reality, little of the Torisian collective mind can be broken into separate digestable parts without compromising its fundamentally-integrative nature. However, a facet of a whole may be used to express aspects of its totality.

Perhaps Torisian architecture can be used as a platform to better exemplify and understand these and other wide-encompassing attributes of the Torisian world view.

Cube world in the clouds Cube world 1

In addition to geometric and synergetic principles, Torisian architecture -and landscaping- is guided by the two essential notions of Li and Lai.

Cenit Cenote vessel

Li is most comparable to Feng Shui except it relates specifically to the patterns and forms in nature that are governed by nature's own forces. For example, a torisian stream would most usually be crafted in a meandering path formation, in accordance to water's natural flow. This flow may be complimented by a Cenit Cenote formation: a topographic surface containing a peak and a depression coupled together, such as a mountain and pond. Water then acts as a catalist between the concave and convex topographic areas, defining in turn the elusive morphology of Lai.

Li and Lai Torisian Li and Lai

Lai is a Torisian term to denote both Inside and Outside, merging the two as dual opposites of the same fundamental spatial relations. For example if one is "inside" a space, then the outside is described as Lai or "other space"(and vice versa.) Lai is also used to denote the transition or threshold between open or enclosed spatial areas. The boundary, however, between what is considered "in" and "out" is purposefully diffused in Torisian architecture. I regretfully still lack the technical ability to capture its complex contours.

Li and Lai structures

Just as a newly-formed droplet of water is only transitioning from one state/form to another, Torisian structures are intended to be dynamic rather than fixed. As light permeates, heat is contained, or osmosis occurs within certain structures, so do minerals, plants and animals grow within them and waste/new sources are reconstituted to replenish and sustain the Atmosphere. Hence, natural elements such as water, light, wind, earth, heat, flora/fauna and processes such as genesis, growth, death and decay, are thoughfully harmonized -or aligned- with inanimate sources (stone/sand/glass, mineral/metal/salts, clay/soil/sedimets, fiber, wood, etc) and comprise a substantial part of the Torisian Craft and cosmological structure.


Due to the high Torisian regard for water, Torisian hydrolic technologies have evolved far beyond what I am equiped to understand. During a field study to better map a particular sector of self contained structures and their systemic relationship to Torisian "botanical medicine", I found myself looking closer and studying the Torisian aproach to waterways and liquid storage/disposal. Torisians have developed an elaborate science to extract and convert medicine, food and many other resources from plant, animal and mineral sources using deceptively simple, cyclical methods that in turn feed the living systems back. Some of these methods are self-explanatory, while others are still inexplicable.


On a rainy day, as suggested by a local plumber, I entered a high-peak underground cave that acted as the center water catchment and filtration system for the network. Elaborate passages lead in-and-out of water chambers and ponds, connecting them through steps and ladders, bridges and floating docks. After following an underground river for a while, I came upon a waterfall in the shape of a flattened cube; a square sheet of thin water. I had the idea that perhaps I'd try and walk through it (granted I have official permission from the locals to explore the realm freely).
I went in through the waterfall, thru a hall, into a most strange chamber, part flooded but dry. I was greeted by plenty of daylight coming in, as if permeating in through the cave walls. In the center of the room, a strange conglomerated set of contraptions -and water- hovered before me, in a precarious-seeming state of kinetic balance. And so I came upon a most strange form of Torisian technical craft:
"The Reverse Plumbing of Liquid Cubes"

reversing liquid volumes2

Of this science I know nothing, and I must say the locals stay pretty quiet on the matter themselves. As a new development, I am excited to look into it, but at the same time I now find it annoying and almost absurd. There is nothing in our materials science to account for how something like this could work. I should also explain that the English word "plumbing" is a literal yet inadequate translation for what Torisians regard as Plumbing, which is an ancient yet constantly updated technical craft involving the manipulation of liquid volumes.

reversing liquid volumes1

Over the course of a couple of weeks of study I came to the conclusion that The Reversing of Liquid Volumes is beyond me. As of now, I can only ask how can a liquid cube be consolidated to begin with? I mean, a cube of liquid water is a most puzzling sight, let alone understanding how to manipulate, or "reverse" it. I decided to stick to the basics and was lucky to speak briefly to a fidgety apprentice of "plumbing" about the basic compositional genesis of liquid solids.

Once inside his chamber, He held an irradescent white dust in one hand as he poured an equal part of water into it. Mixing with his index finger, he produced a homogenous transluscent gel, which he shaped into a pebble. He proceded to add small ammounts of water to it inserting a thin tube, in distinct but close intervals. I watched the pebble slowly become a large spherical droplet the size of an orange, somehow as if the water's surface tension had "stretched". For amusement, he continued to add water until the bubble bursted with a splash large enough to soak us both. I detected no smell or other chemical trace.

He further confided that the powder is a refined grain of crystal sand extracted from the beaches of the crystal moon Zalfwonsia. This Crystal powder is said to contain large quantities of diatomic "crystallizations" that appear to house living organisms.
I recall during my first visit to Zalfwonsian beaches being astonished, running my fingers through the crystal sand and watching these large radiolarian-like spheres and granules magnetize and assemble themselves into dynamic and semi-stable alignments, as if mechanically animated, reacting to me. As other living species of Torisia, these diatomacious beings may be enlarged specimens of their younger Earthling diatom relatives, yet they are visibly responsive to stimuli such as interaction with other living creatures, atmospheric changes in light, temperature, etc (compare to Earth Radiolarians.)

Axis Mundi Tuning

For a moment, kneeled upon the sand, I thought I glimpsed through the twirling forms, the shape of something in the likeness of the Axis Mundi.
did I just imagine that?


Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Magniforium Scope AA12

View of Torisian Orbital Model as seen through
my Magniforium Scope

Lunar Orbits of Torisia

The minuscule crystal moon Zalvwonzia (top right of this image) is ommited in the torisian model due to its orbital distance and luminosity.

Torisia is an artificial planet levitated by superconductivity. Through its nucleous, a central axis unfolds onto an outer shell, alltogether in the shape of a Torus, yet seen here as a sphere.

Superconductive Orbital grid

The electromagnetic field circumscribing Torisia is a superconductive orbital grid, here depicted as a Geodesic Triacontahedron

The interplay between the planet's mass, lunar orbits and electro magnetic structure hold the Torisian atmosphere in a precarious state of equilibrium.

Torisian Lunar orbits detail AA12

Torisian Moons Archimedea and Equatius effecting tidal change

Torisian Artic detail AA12

Torisian Polar North and the dead moon Torvento

Geometry associated with the Torisian Planetary Cosmology is that of round polyhedra and spherical objects such as:

Pentakis Sphere AA12

The Pentakis Dodecahedron, or geodesic sphere

Geodesic Triacontahedron

The Geodesic Triacontahedron

Sphere Limit 1 AA11

The 12-point Sphere

And most predominantly the Snub Dodecahedron

Torisia dodeca Map AA12

Unfolded Snub Dodecahedron Map of Torisia 1

Torisian Map AA12

Unfolded Snub Dodecahedron Map of Torisia 2

Orbital Model of Torisia

For a closer look of Torisia, view raw footage captured using my Magniforium Scope

Stereoscopic image: "Crystal Caves of Zalvwonzia"

Crystal Caves AA12

Thanks for visiting my world...
